urmmm..lately, many things will come iaitu kesibukan..tp hakikatnya..aku belum bersedia lagi untuk hadapinya..Zon kesibukan akan melanda bulan ini sehingga bulan depan...
Actually...my mum knew me better...yelah kan..anak sendiri..hehehhe..sifat aku mmg seorang degil. kalau aku nak sesuatu tu..pasti aku nak..whatever it takes...until the end..many times my parents told me..me quit stubborn, strong heart..but it was good!! untuk perkara2 yg membawa kebaikan...
mula2 takleh terima jugak hakikat ni..tp setelah sekian lama...aku sendiri dapat rasakan..YA...banyak situasi telah membuktikannya...
Yang paling aku ingat skali..with my first love..ala2 cinta monyet..huhuhu..almost 6 years we were couple.by then rejected by my family...aku pertahankan selama 6 tahun kaw2 untuk membuatkan my family like him. lastly,we can't go through.so..inilah namanya mmg tiada jodoh...urmm..dier pun dh kwin ng org lain..hahahha..selamat berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat ..
Then..uurrmm..byk lagey..tp secara ringkas..kejadian dkt tmpt keje lah..bila aku nk dptkan my major option utk mengajar while in 2nd year teaching...what i learned here.."move in silence"...to get my major option..and then, i succeed..Alhamdulillah...doa org teraniaya mmg termakbul...
then...when i got the task to conduct choral speaking competition...Ya Allah...dh lah first time ajo english..tak penah tau aper itu english..sbb..aku bukan orang TESL even part time..outcampus bahkan full time students.. But..with my bestfriend...we work together...competed with 10, the greatest schools around Lahad Datu has made us as a champion..by the time..my family came lagey visited me..then bwk jalan2 seluruh sabah in two weeks...
banyak lagey perkara yang berlaku...last year..every month, i took my journey to home..giler tak? sbb..rindu slalu ng family..pedulik lar ape nak terjadi.. huhuhu..kalau aku mahu..pasti aku akan melakukannya sehingga berjaya...
urmmm..byk sgt nak ditulis...sbb nilah antara bukti2 dan kebenaran yang my parents told me..tp tak penah nak percaya...ooppss..degil kan...huhuhuhu
and the last situation i wanna to share with..kes serius pulak...is sumthing that i never believed it..my beg...when i lost my bag full of leisure inside..sudah dibawa berbincang secara baik dan diberi masa..masih lagi memainkan diri ini..so, means dat..they asked and forced me to start "PLAY"..huhuhu..some other people said..takde rezeki..biarlah..Hello!!! it yours..u have to get back what is yours..jgn mengaku kalah!!! am really sorry. i'm not the one of that kind person..u totally wrong judged on me..because..it will have another people akan menjadi mangsa lagey kalau hal ni tak dibendung...i fight it until i did a report to KPDNHEP...Police..and lawyer...i want it back or replace it with the same amount..i'll fight until i win..i dun care whatever it takes..if i said i wanna it back..dun ever play with me..u never knew me better..yes..maybe i look soft with u..but in silence..i moved...Luckily..or..i can say..absolutely..i win this case...huhuhu...thanks mum coz u gave me "something" that i used it until now... Alhamdulillah...
so..my conclusion here bout myself...dun ever let me start...if i get ready to start and play...my motto in myself will suddenly appear.. "I ONLY PLAY TO WIN"...and "THE TRUTH/WINNER NEVER QUIT"...
am very confidence with all dis bcoz i believe..Allah always with me..He guides me... if Not now..he'll repay soon...
so..in two-three days..i need rest..and am not ready to start now..but after this, i have to prepare for the next "game"...and make it until succeed...as usual.. I ONLY PLAY TO WIN... (i dun wanna to play actually..but the situation asked me to..so..let's move..) well..get prepare from now...wish me luck...
First task: completing choral speaking competition...
2nd: Panel's activities
ssshhhhhhhhhhhh............................. ;) silence....nnggeeeee....
Piece of mind

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Ladies nite....
Terdetik pula mau coretkan perasaan disini mlm ney...Rabu...or Wednesday..now, i just got the answer.. Wednesday...is Ladies nite...yeah..malam ney mmg aku keluar dari penginapan ku ini..bukan untuk celebrate Ladies nite..but..keluar untuk bersantai sebentar dgn kwn2 perempuan yang sama2 mengikuti kursus di sini.. urmmm..all is Ladies..urmm..leh kot dikategorikan Ladies nite jugak..huhuhu..
we're not celebrated at club...or..go "clubbing"...coz..drpd menjejakkan kaki ke tempat2 seperti itu..bagus lagi kalau menjejakkan kaki ke rumah2 Allah..urmm haram hukumnya walaupun tidak melakukan apa2, just masuk sahaja club...my family never ever thought me to do that...i love my mum..dad..am really grateful having parents like them..educated us with positive and great abilities..and my parents succeed mendidik anak2nya..semuanya berpelajaran..having a good job..and semuanya bersatu..dgn penuh kasih sayang...i love my family very much..
yup...truly.. i adore to go there once..just go inside, and have a coke...look around...
by then after one of my trusted friends told me...i confronted myself whether wanna try or not.. Lastly, i made a great decision in my life..never go inside even once. it's more better if i can find the place that allow muslimin to go inside to pray and having ceramah agama (without mix with politics issues)...yg boleh membuatkan diri bermuhasabah...Thumbs Up!!!
okeys...back to d point for today issue,,,
Apa yang menarik...bila antara kami semuanya adalah pertama kali mengenal antara satu sama lain dalam masa seminggu ini...seolah2 macam ada satu magnet or electricity yang membuatkan hubungan kami semua akrab. chat with friends about the class sections was really made me feel enjoyable.this particular things has made me happy and released for a while...yeah..we were not the "optionist" of english...so that we have to attend this course to get us like TESL students...after last session..will be held next month...continuous from this phase..
urmmm..am really sorry..tak sempat nak amik gambar..mlm ney kami chill out just at BIBIQ Restaurant...near airport..some said the soup is really tasty..and famous with payau...yeah..i can admit it..delicious...u all can try it later k...situated at Tawau...we all tak duduk begitu lama..after enjoyed the soup..and chit chat...then balik...becuase tomorrow we'll have another tough session next...too much input..since the first day...dah membuatkan semuanya kepenatan..looks exhausted nowadays...but we have to be strong..pretend like nothing else matter happened...
tomorrow...the day that everyone is waiting for....hehhehe..besides "dat" thing...we all decided to go one place that famous at tawau..selling "banana cheese" at Indocafe House... i can't visualize how it looks like...
by the way...it almost 11pm..i have to go to bed...get rest b4 next day task...what i can say here...am really enjoy my day today with such a good friends... ;) really... Alhamdulillah...
Terdetik pula mau coretkan perasaan disini mlm ney...Rabu...or Wednesday..now, i just got the answer.. Wednesday...is Ladies nite...yeah..malam ney mmg aku keluar dari penginapan ku ini..bukan untuk celebrate Ladies nite..but..keluar untuk bersantai sebentar dgn kwn2 perempuan yang sama2 mengikuti kursus di sini.. urmmm..all is Ladies..urmm..leh kot dikategorikan Ladies nite jugak..huhuhu..
we're not celebrated at club...or..go "clubbing"...coz..drpd menjejakkan kaki ke tempat2 seperti itu..bagus lagi kalau menjejakkan kaki ke rumah2 Allah..urmm haram hukumnya walaupun tidak melakukan apa2, just masuk sahaja club...my family never ever thought me to do that...i love my mum..dad..am really grateful having parents like them..educated us with positive and great abilities..and my parents succeed mendidik anak2nya..semuanya berpelajaran..having a good job..and semuanya bersatu..dgn penuh kasih sayang...i love my family very much..
yup...truly.. i adore to go there once..just go inside, and have a coke...look around...
by then after one of my trusted friends told me...i confronted myself whether wanna try or not.. Lastly, i made a great decision in my life..never go inside even once. it's more better if i can find the place that allow muslimin to go inside to pray and having ceramah agama (without mix with politics issues)...yg boleh membuatkan diri bermuhasabah...Thumbs Up!!!
okeys...back to d point for today issue,,,
Apa yang menarik...bila antara kami semuanya adalah pertama kali mengenal antara satu sama lain dalam masa seminggu ini...seolah2 macam ada satu magnet or electricity yang membuatkan hubungan kami semua akrab. chat with friends about the class sections was really made me feel enjoyable.this particular things has made me happy and released for a while...yeah..we were not the "optionist" of english...so that we have to attend this course to get us like TESL students...after last session..will be held next month...continuous from this phase..
urmmm..am really sorry..tak sempat nak amik gambar..mlm ney kami chill out just at BIBIQ Restaurant...near airport..some said the soup is really tasty..and famous with payau...yeah..i can admit it..delicious...u all can try it later k...situated at Tawau...we all tak duduk begitu lama..after enjoyed the soup..and chit chat...then balik...becuase tomorrow we'll have another tough session next...too much input..since the first day...dah membuatkan semuanya kepenatan..looks exhausted nowadays...but we have to be strong..pretend like nothing else matter happened...
tomorrow...the day that everyone is waiting for....hehhehe..besides "dat" thing...we all decided to go one place that famous at tawau..selling "banana cheese" at Indocafe House... i can't visualize how it looks like...
by the way...it almost 11pm..i have to go to bed...get rest b4 next day task...what i can say here...am really enjoy my day today with such a good friends... ;) really... Alhamdulillah...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
what's on my mind and my heart...muhasabah diri
Aku bukan insan yang kuat seperti orang lain...masih lagi lemah dan perlu bimbingan..sentiasa belajar...kerana aku selalu mengingatkan diriku..apa yang aku lakukan samada secara sedar atau tidak..adalah kerana Ilahi..dan sepenuhnya berTawakal kepada Nya...(Allah)
Jika baik perkara itu disebabkan aku...aku yakin, nescaya Allah akan membalas kebaikan itu jika tidak padaku..tetapi kepada generasiku atau zuriatku...
Begitu juga jika jahat perkara itu berlaku disebabkan aku...aku juga yakin, nescaya Allah akan membalas kejahatan itu jika tidak padaku, pasti tentulah kepada generasiku atau zuriatku...
Semuanya telah tertulis oleh Ilahi tentang hukuman kepada hamba-hambanya...cuma pilihan terletak di tangan kita samada mahu pilih kebaikan atau kejahatan..apa pun, dimana saja kita berada, bukan sahaja kita membawa nama kita sendiri..bahkan membawa nama keluarga..setiap anggota keluarga...
Hidup umpama roda...pernah juga aku berada di atas...leka dengan segalanya...itulah sifat manusia..bila jatuh, baru tersedar semula...
Tidak perlu menilai orang lain..cukuplah dengan melihat diriku sendiri..perlu berusaha untuk jadi yang terbaik dalam mencari keredhaan Ilahi..walau apa pun yang akan terjadi padaku..aku akan masih lagi gagah tersenyum...kerana aku yakin dan pasti, senantiasa bersama-samaku adalah penciptaku, tuhan yang satu.. Allah Subhanallah Taala...biarlah Dia sahaja yang menentukan segala-galanya...kerana pada Dia lah aku sandarkan...
Jika baik perkara itu disebabkan aku...aku yakin, nescaya Allah akan membalas kebaikan itu jika tidak padaku..tetapi kepada generasiku atau zuriatku...
Begitu juga jika jahat perkara itu berlaku disebabkan aku...aku juga yakin, nescaya Allah akan membalas kejahatan itu jika tidak padaku, pasti tentulah kepada generasiku atau zuriatku...
Semuanya telah tertulis oleh Ilahi tentang hukuman kepada hamba-hambanya...cuma pilihan terletak di tangan kita samada mahu pilih kebaikan atau kejahatan..apa pun, dimana saja kita berada, bukan sahaja kita membawa nama kita sendiri..bahkan membawa nama keluarga..setiap anggota keluarga...
Hidup umpama roda...pernah juga aku berada di atas...leka dengan segalanya...itulah sifat manusia..bila jatuh, baru tersedar semula...
Tidak perlu menilai orang lain..cukuplah dengan melihat diriku sendiri..perlu berusaha untuk jadi yang terbaik dalam mencari keredhaan Ilahi..walau apa pun yang akan terjadi padaku..aku akan masih lagi gagah tersenyum...kerana aku yakin dan pasti, senantiasa bersama-samaku adalah penciptaku, tuhan yang satu.. Allah Subhanallah Taala...biarlah Dia sahaja yang menentukan segala-galanya...kerana pada Dia lah aku sandarkan...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
entry saje2...huhuhu
cuti sekolah bermula lagey...lama sudah aku tak menyemakkan diri kat blog ney...banyak kerja perlu disiapkan..well...after lepaking jap kat suatu tempat tadi..terpanggil pulak diri ney nak post...
sebak jugak rasanya bila pergi ke airport...tp takpelah..lagi banyak rindu yang terpendam..lagey seronok perasaan pulang ke semenanjung cuti pertengahan tahun nanti...sabar....sabar...
lepas menghantar member kt airport...teringin pulak ke Secret Recipe, Sandakan...well..am not alone..with my housemate.. what can i say...menikmati hot chocolate with a slice of strawberry chocolate cake...mmg best..kenapa??? sbb nyer...cuaca yang sedang hujan lebat,sejuk...sambil tu...dimainkan lagu yang sangat romantik sepanjang berada kt situ..sangat mengujakan...alamak!..i missed dat moment.. psst...kalo nak enjoy lagey best...u all leh try gi Cameron Highlands...enjoy hot strawberry chocolate kt sana...peerrgghhh!!!
i have been here before(SR Sandakan)...still the same..durg suker pasang cd lagu2 romantik..for me..salah satu tempat yang boleh menenangkan fikiran jika berseorangan (layan perasaan) and..with special one..how's dat? urmm kalau tempat lain..as the name of Secret Recipe, am not sure yet.coz..last time i went SR with my mum at Sitiawan..and the rest..bought the cakes for Hari Raya and for celebrating birthday..the songs they played not as same as here..kt sini lagey best..and the cakes.urmmm..kurang sedap sikit kt sini..coz agak keras..huhuhu (am so sorry)...well, truly..am not too choosy person.tak kisah mcm mana rasa makanan tu..as long as persekitarannya boleh menarik perhatianku...whatever it is...hehhehe try lar..lain orang, lain pendapatnya..walaupun berbeza, we should respect people's opinion adalah penting.. daaaa
lalalalalala....teringat lagu
(Jewel: You were meant for me) ng [anonymous(girl): I'm Yours] kt SR, Sandakan tadi.... suker2 ;)
sebak jugak rasanya bila pergi ke airport...tp takpelah..lagi banyak rindu yang terpendam..lagey seronok perasaan pulang ke semenanjung cuti pertengahan tahun nanti...sabar....sabar...
lepas menghantar member kt airport...teringin pulak ke Secret Recipe, Sandakan...well..am not alone..with my housemate.. what can i say...menikmati hot chocolate with a slice of strawberry chocolate cake...mmg best..kenapa??? sbb nyer...cuaca yang sedang hujan lebat,sejuk...sambil tu...dimainkan lagu yang sangat romantik sepanjang berada kt situ..sangat mengujakan...alamak!..i missed dat moment.. psst...kalo nak enjoy lagey best...u all leh try gi Cameron Highlands...enjoy hot strawberry chocolate kt sana...peerrgghhh!!!
i have been here before(SR Sandakan)...still the same..durg suker pasang cd lagu2 romantik..for me..salah satu tempat yang boleh menenangkan fikiran jika berseorangan (layan perasaan) and..with special one..how's dat? urmm kalau tempat lain..as the name of Secret Recipe, am not sure yet.coz..last time i went SR with my mum at Sitiawan..and the rest..bought the cakes for Hari Raya and for celebrating birthday..the songs they played not as same as here..kt sini lagey best..and the cakes.urmmm..kurang sedap sikit kt sini..coz agak keras..huhuhu (am so sorry)...well, truly..am not too choosy person.tak kisah mcm mana rasa makanan tu..as long as persekitarannya boleh menarik perhatianku...whatever it is...hehhehe try lar..lain orang, lain pendapatnya..walaupun berbeza, we should respect people's opinion adalah penting.. daaaa
lalalalalala....teringat lagu
(Jewel: You were meant for me) ng [anonymous(girl): I'm Yours] kt SR, Sandakan tadi.... suker2 ;)
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